950 MDKK
703 MDKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
126 MDKK

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Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Top 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Top 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Christian Listov-Saabye 3Bestyrelsesformand
Karen Gaarden Sørensen 1Bestyrelsesmedlem
Antoine Pigot 1Bestyrelsesmedlem

Legale ejere top 3


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Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnArtelia A/S
BinavneArtelia Danmark A/S, Artelia Denmark A/S, Bay & Elkjær A/S, Conm A/S, Hans H. Bay & Mogens Elkjær, Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S, Lars Lindgaard Ingeniør Rådgivning A/S, Larsen & Laursen Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma A/S Aalborg, Lbp Engineering A/S, Lufkon A/S, Lufthavnskonsulenterne A/S, Moe & Brødsgaard A/S, Moe A/S, Moe Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S, Nielsen & Risager A/S, Rådgivende Ingeniører F.R.I., Seacon A/S, Skude & Jacobsen A/S, Tetraplan A/S, Artelia A/S, Dansk Vand- og Naturcenter A/S Vis mere
AdresseBuddingevej 272, 2860 Søborg
BrancheRådgivende ingeniørvirksomhed inden for byggeri og anlægsarbejder [711210]
Etableret15-01-1962 (62 år)
Antal ansatte1225 (årsværk:1144)
RevisorDeloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab siden 26-06-2020
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital2.099.000 DKK
2.140.000 DKK (15-05-2018 - 01-06-2020)
2.112.600 DKK (14-11-2017 - 14-05-2018)
2.067.000 DKK (16-03-2017 - 13-11-2017)
2.027.000 DKK (09-09-2015 - 15-03-2017)
2.007.000 DKK (14-12-2012 - 08-09-2015)
Vedtægter seneste01-06-2023


Selskabets formål er rådgivende ingeniørvirksomhed.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


Development in activities and financesArtelia has in 2022 continued a positive development with growth in all our three business areas - Buildings, Energy & Industry and Infrastructure.

Development in the Business Areas in Artelia Denmark

In general
Artelia has a strategic goal to develop new consultancy services focusing on the needs of our clients.

Services are in general targeted towards a more sustainable development of society, as the climate agenda is a key benchmark for the world we look towards. Artelia already has a large market share and see a great future potential in several services within sustainability, including LCA, materials technology, CO2 reduction and green conversion.

Artelia participates in initiatives via memberships and support of industry initiatives such as Bæredygtig Beton Initiativ (Sustainable Concrete Initiative), Green Building Council and Foreningen for Byggeriets Samfundsansvar (The Danish Association for Responsible Construction).

Digital solutions are an integrated part of our business and form part of our consultancy as well as the foundation of our projects. Our digital tools are part of the key to delivering more sustainable projects, as several of the tools can calculate the CO2 impact for the given project.

The market is generally still ok. There are possibilities in the private market and the amount of public procurement is decreasing due to the economic challenges that are currently affecting our society. The largest private customers include pension companies, investors and developers have decreased the investment level compared with the booming years before, but there are still possibilities in the marked.

New legal requirements for embedded CO2 in new construction will enter into force in 2023. Artelia focuses on being able to advise on the new CO2 requirements in construction projects. We are developing tools to calculate the CO2 impact of different parts of a building and generate data for the total CO2 accounts for a building. We have an internal knowledge center for wood construction, where a wide range of specialists work to create new knowledge and solutions in wood construction.

Both the processes and the materials in the industry must be changed with a focus on sustainable development. Shortage of labor negatively affects recruitment of talents.

The market for infrastructure within our many and varied disciplines has been positive in 2022. In general, we have had full employment in all business areas, but also fierce competition with great price pressure in a market with many players and a shortage of labor.

In general, the level of investment the infrastructure area was high in 2022.

Part of our specialist consultancy is exported to the Nordic countries and France in collaborations with the Artelia Group. Here we have contributed to continuous expansion of the infrastructure, promotion of greener forms of transport such as cycling, optimization of public transport and mobility solutions that reduce the CO2 footprint.

Energy & lndustry
The energy marked is in the middle of a historic change process characterized by an increased focus on fossil-free energy production. There is demand for consultancy within minimizations of CO2 emissions, energy planning, renewable energy production, energy storage, Power to X and streamlining of existing energy production facilities. Artelia works on many levels by virtue of our position as one of the leading advisers in the field, where our specialists help roll out district heating, modernize the electricity grid, build more climate-friendly production units and introduce new technologies such as Power to X and Carbon Capture.

The market is rapidly changing, but with great potential. There is a shortage of specialists who can take on projects within the many new business areas. The market for industry is growing, and has great potential, especially in heavy industries and Pharma, with a great growth in projects. Therefore, LBP Engineering became part of Artelia in 2022, with expertise in pharmaceutical engineering. Based on LBP, Artelia has during 2022 established an independent pharma division.

Digitisation and Automation

Digitisation and the use of data characterises the development of Artelia, significantly. Automation, BIM and ICT are central elements to the ongoing efforts to better serve clients while, at the same time, improving the quality of projects and reducing costs. Digital solutions are an integrated part of our consulting services and are delivered at all levels.
Artelia has designed in 3D in all business areas for a long time and, as the development progresses, more dimensions are integrated into our models. This creates more efficient project processes while it makes up
significantly better preconditions for an interdisciplinary coordination between fields.

In 2022 we have continued our focus on digital collaboration tools. Sharing our design work and 3D models directly with our clients and being able to work together in the same models have improved the corporation significantly.
We continue to see great opportunities to develop, improve and streamline our project execution and, not least, raise the bar for sustainability, through digital tools and automation processes.
