1.265 MDKK
349 MDKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
102 MDKK
412 MDKK

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Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Top 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Top 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Derya Özer Sagkan 1Bestyrelsesformand
Atli Freyr Einarsson 4Bestyrelsesmedlem
Ursula Kost 1Bestyrelsesmedlem


Selskabet tegnes af bestyrelsens formand i forening med et andet bestyrelsesmedlem eller i forening med en direktør eller af to direktører i forening

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnDhl Express (Denmark) A/S
BinavneAktieselskabet Svenske Godscentraler, Asg (Grønland) A/S, Asg (Grønland) Aps, Asg Air & Sea A/S, Asg Airfreight A/S, Asg Denmark A/S, Asg European Road Transport A/S, Asg Holding A/S, Asg Luftfragt A/S, Asg Seafreight A/S, Atlas Spedition A/S, Danabulk A/S, Danagods A/S, Danske Godscentraler A/S, Danske Transportcentraler A/S, Danzas Asg Eurocargo A/S, Danzas Holding A/S, Dhl Freight (Denmark) A/S, Ert A/S, Helsingør Spedition A/S, Ict International Container Traffic A/S, Loadmaster A/S, Nord Transport A/S, Nord Transportkompagni A/S, Nordiske Godscentraler-Copenhagen Forwarding Agency A/S, Selskabet af 14. September 1964 A/S, Swedish Air Cargo Terminals A/S, Tof Danmark A/S, Transportkompagniet Nord A/S, World Air Cargo Organisation (Waco) A/S Vis mere
AdresseJydekrogen 14, 2625 Vallensbæk
BrancheAndre post- og kurertjenester [532000]
Etableret05-11-1985 (38 år)
Første regnskabsperiode05-11-1985 til 31-12-1986
Antal ansatte537 (årsværk:466)
RevisorDeloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab siden 06-07-2023
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital76.100.000 DKK
75.100.000 DKK (13-12-2005 - 11-12-2006)
65.100.000 DKK (08-12-2004 - 12-12-2005)
37.000.000 DKK (29-12-2003 - 07-12-2004)
35.000.000 DKK (19-12-2002 - 28-12-2003)
34.000.000 DKK (18-12-2002 - 18-12-2002)
Vedtægter seneste01-02-2021

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabets formål er at eje aktier i transport- og speditionsvirksomheder, at udføre transport-, logistik-, finansiering- og administrationsvirksomhed, at investere i fast ejendom og anden efter bestyrelsens skøn hermed beslægtet virksomhed, enten direkte eller gennem tilknyttede selskaber.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


Foreign exchange risks Interest rate risks Credit risks Reporting on data ethics Like other industrial enterprises in Denmark DHL is affected by changes seen in the Danish economy in 2022 and we have seen an overall growth in the market in back end of 2022. DHL will continue to focus on strong positioning within global imports and exports. DHL invoices its main sales in DKK, whereas parts of direct costs are dominated in EUR. DHL is partly exposed to exchange risks in relation to EUR as regards to day-to-day operation. Due to its ownership, DHL has limited exposure to interest level changes. DHL has no material risks relating to individual customers or business partners. Deutsche Post DHL Group has established a Group-wide Data Privacy Policy. This policy is binding for all of the company's subsidiaries that are affected by data protection laws. Through this measure we aim to ensure that the processing of personal data is carried out exclusively in accordance with the respective legal requirements. According to section 99d (3) of the Danish Financial Statements Act, DHL Express strives to handle data as responsibly and safely as possible. The Company is subject to rules and policies laid down by the parent company, which amongst other decide which IT systems to make use of. As a consequence, the Company has not made a separate policy in respect to data ethics. For a description of the group’s data protection policy please refer to the CSR report of Deutsche Post DHL. The report can be found on:

The income statement of the Company for 2022 shows a profit of DKK'000 102,224 and at 31st December 2022 the balance sheet of the Company shows equity of DKK'000 411,998. In today's fast-paced and technology-driven business landscape, the company adapted and leveraged digitalization, automation, and optimization across all functions to stay competitive. The company amongst other invested in a new platform to capture customer feedback. By doing this the platform has facilitated seamless communication and knowledge sharing across teams and departments, fostering a culture of innovation and teamwork. Optimization efforts have allowed the company to better allocate resources, both human and material, leading to improved productivity, reduced costs, and increased profitability. Investments in digitalization, automation, and optimization have proven to be instrumental in transforming our organization's operations and driving growth. DHL Express has a long tradition for listening carefully and actively to our customers' feedback when the have had interactions with us. The NPA method (Net Promoter Approach) has since 2010 been deeply rooted in the organization. Using this method, we capture and enhance customer experience on a daily basis. We have a strong culture of empowering our people to take action and deliver an excellent service, which creates customer loyalty in return. DHL Express has developed the customer satisfaction - and thereby the loyalty - significantly since we started to measure. The NPS (Net Promoter Score) has increased from mid 30's to mid 60's over these years, which is unprecedented in our industry. We expect to further strengthen customer satisfaction through development of innovative tools, increasing market shares and as a result hereof continuously improve the financial performance. DHL’s approach to process- and business improvements has deep roots in the LEAN and SixSigma methodologies. DHL calls this “First Choice”. The toolbox is Express’ approach to continuous improvements which is used to drive service quality and simplify our customers lives. We enable and motivate our people to apply the First Choice methodologies and tools in their daily work to do things a little bit better every day. A large number of small and large improvement initiatives were implemented during 2022 across all areas of our business as a direct result of both customer feedback and employee input. This has led to a continued record-high satisfaction level (as measured by NPS). In 2022 Express has also piloted a new customer feedback technology using AI and automated text analytics which has improved our ability to analyze and respond to customer feedback. This solution is in the process of being rolled out across the world. In order for the company to remain agile and continuously monitor emerging technologies and market trends the company will ensure to stay at the forefront of digital innovation. Moving forward, the company will continue to invest in these areas strategically, aligning our investments with our business goals and objectives, to sustain our competitive advantage in the ever-evolving business landscape. To support the initiatives to lower CO2 emission the company have throughout 2022 continued its investment in electric courier vans and e-bikes to further reduce the CO2 emission. Our focus of becoming employer of choice led to Express Denmark won 3rd place in Great Place to Work 2022, being in top three for five years in a row. The revenue for the year has compared to 2021, been satisfying overall with an increase of 16.4%. The expectations for 2022 was to continuously improve financial performance through a strengthen customer satisfaction via innovative tools. Management considers the result to be satisfactory.
