1.508 MDKK
175 MDKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
289 MDKK

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Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Top 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Top 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Christiane Temminghoff 1Bestyrelsesformand
Anna Karolina Svahn 1Bestyrelsesmedlem
Susanne Ingeborg Visler 2Bestyrelsesmedlem

Legale ejere top 3


Selskabet tegnes af to medlemmer af bestyrelsen i forening, hvoraf den ene skal være formanden for bestyrelsen eller den administrerende direktør.

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnBayer A/S
BinavneMediwest Danmark A/S, Medrad A/S, Medrad Denmark A/S, Medrad-Mediwest A/S, Monsanto Crop Sciences Denmark A/S, Agro-Kemi A/S, Bayer Danmark A/S, Bayer Farma A/S, Bayer Kemi A/S, Berlipharm A/S, Leiras A/S, Schering A/S, Technicon Instruments A/S Vis mere
AdresseArne Jacobsens Allé 13, 2300 København S
BrancheEngroshandel med kemiske produkter [467500]
Etableret18-12-1952 (71 år)
Antal ansatte90 (årsværk:85)
RevisorDeloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab siden 05-05-2017
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital78.000.000 DKK
35.124.000 DKK (07-10-1993 - 18-04-2001)
30.000.000 DKK (30-08-1987 - 06-10-1993)
Vedtægter seneste21-11-2022

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabets formål er at drive industri, handel og fabrikation.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


Capital resources Interest rate risks Statutory report on Data Ethic, CF section 99 d of the Danish Statement Act Bayer A/S is well consolidated. The equity ratio (solvency) amounts to 49.9 % (2021: 37.0 %), corresponding to equity at 31 December 2022 of MDKK 289 (2021: MDKK 237). It is the Company’s policy to hedge against commercial foreign exchange exposure. Hedging mainly takes place by means of balancing in- and outgoing cash flows. All Hedging is covered by Bayer AG Group and monitored on a daily basis. In the Crop Science business line, the company has a currency risk exposure as more than half of purchases of goods and sales take place in various foreign currencies (SEK, NOK and EUR). To reduce this risk, the company uses currency hedging of accounts receivable and accounts payable above a certain level. In the case of major special transactions in foreign currency, such as acquisitions or divestments of line of business or company, hedge accounting is used to reduce currency risks. As the net interest-bearing debt does not constitute a significant amount, moderate changes in the level of interest will not have any material, direct effect on earnings. Therefore, the Company does not enter interest rate agreements to hedge against interest rate exposure. We use our data assets, infrastructure, and platforms to perform research regarding existing products and to create a range of new products, while incorporating our data principles in how we design, implement, and secure this data. Data has the potential to fuel the next century of innovation, but only if our data practices are held to the high standards, we all deserve. We’re committed to managing personal data safely and securely and in ways that are ethical, compliant and of benefit to individuals. Our Privacy by Design and Data by Design processes have been developed to ensure we embed privacy, security, and data controls in all our products and services, keeping a clear focus on protecting customers’ and individuals’ data. Our Data management and governance policy provides all employees with information to ensure that Bayer's data is protected; its viability and availability is maintained for long-term business development and innovation; it is of good quality; and that it is used in an ethical, safe, and responsible manner. Bayer regards data as an enterprise asset and therefore protects it from reputational and disintermediation risks. This policy is supported by guiding principles and binding Data Standards that, when applicable, provide additional requirements and controls.

Bayer A/S and Monsanto Crop Sciences Denmark A/S have performed a full retrospective merger in 2022, with effect of 1. January 2022. Monsanto Crop Sciences Denmark A/S was a subsidiary of Bayer A/S. Combining these two companies will allow a better service to the customers’ needs and further simplify implementation of combined business model. As a consequence of the merger between Bayer A/S and Monsanto Crop Sciences Denmark A/S the financial statement for 2022 reflect both the figures of both companies, after elimination of transaction between the entities. Comparison figures for 2021 have been adjusted to reflect the merger as well. Profit & loss Revenue for 2021 have been adjusted from MDKK 1.208 to MDKK 1.332 Gross profit for 2021 have been adjusted from MDKK 152 to MDKK 154 Profit for the year for 2021 have been adjusted from MDKK 41 to MDKK 43 Balance Total fixed assets for 2021 have been adjusted from MDKK 12 to MDKK 15 Total current assets for 2021 have been adjusted from MDKK 584 to MDKK 625 Total Assets for 2021 have been adjusted from MDKK 596 to MDKK 641 Equity for 2021 have been adjusted from MDKK 229 to MDKK 237 Revenue for the year is distributed with 55,6 % to the Agricultural Sector (Crop Science), 42.7 % to Pharmaceuticals and 1.3 % to Consumer Health. The remaining 0.4 % is allocated to other services. The turnover increased with +13,2% and the result from ordinary activities (EBIT) increased with +23,2%. The result after taxes decreased with MDKK 8.6 (20,0%). Crop Science shows revenue of MDKK 839 compared to MDKK 689 in the previous year (+21,7). The CropScience division revenue continue to recover in 2022, after suffered a decrease in turnover due to the carryover stocks from the previous campaign driven by the 2018 draught season. Pharmaceuticals shows revenue of MDKK 644 compared to MDKK 621 in the previous year (+3,7 %). Consumer Health shows revenue of MDKK 20 compared to MDKK 18 in the previous year (+9,8 %). The Management considers the 2022 revenue satisfactory and in line with the estimation at the end of the previous campaign.
