997.815 DKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
498.014 DKK
Årets resultat
-567.071 DKK
-348.693 DKK

Flere nøgletal og analyser?

Med en Bisbase Premium konto får du flere nøgletal for både virksomheder, koncerner og brancher samt adgang til eksklusive brancher indeholdende virksomheder nøje sammensat af eksperter. Og vil du lave dine egne analyser kan du også det! Det tager få minutter at få adgang - og det behøver ikke at koste dig noget!

Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Bund 35%"
Rang i Danmark
"Bund 10%"

Direktion top 3

Legale ejere top 3


Selskabet tegnes af en direktør

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnStiftsvej Aps
AdresseStrandesplanaden 110, 2 2, c/o c/o Sønderup I/S, 2665 Vallensbæk Strand
BrancheGennemførelse af byggeprojekter [411000]
Etableret28-05-2021 (2 år)
Første regnskabsperiode28-05-2021 til 31-12-2021
Antal ansatte 1 (Regnskab)
RevisorSønderup I/S, Statsautoriserede Revisorer siden 23-06-2022
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital240.000 DKK
Vedtægter seneste28-05-2021

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabets formål er at udvikle, bygge og drive ejendom og anden hermed beslægtet virksomhed


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


The Company's principal activities The company's main activity consists of developing, building and operating property and other related business. Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK -567.071 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 29.991.251 and an equity of DKK -348.692. The company has lost more than half of its capital, which is why the continued operations are dependent on future rental income. The tenancy agreement drawn up is irrevocable for a period up to the beginning of 2028, with a buyout of two years rent. The property was built during 2022, which means that the rental income does not represent a whole financial year. Going forward the property are fully let, just as all mayor construction costs have been waived. For this reason the capital is expected to be re-established by future profits. Post financial year events After the end of the financial year, no events have occurred which may change the financial position of the entity substantially.

The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK -567.071 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 29.991.251 and an equity of DKK -348.692. The company has lost more than half of its capital, which is why the continued operations are dependent on future rental income. The tenancy agreement drawn up is irrevocable for a period up to the beginning of 2028, with a buyout of two years rent. The property was built during 2022, which means that the rental income does not represent a whole financial year. Going forward the property are fully let, just as all mayor construction costs have been waived. For this reason the capital is expected to be re-established by future profits. , Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK -567.071 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 29.991.251 and an equity of DKK -348.692. The company has lost more than half of its capital, which is why the continued operations are dependent on future rental income. The tenancy agreement drawn up is irrevocable for a period up to the beginning of 2028, with a buyout of two years rent. The property was built during 2022, which means that the rental income does not represent a whole financial year. Going forward the property are fully let, just as all mayor construction costs have been waived. For this reason the capital is expected to be re-established by future profits.
