Kommanditaktieselskab / Partnerselskab
127 MDKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
6.811.280 DKK
Årets resultat
5.848.625 DKK

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Selskabet tegnes af bestyrelsens formand i forening med et medlem af bestyrelsen, eller af bestyrelsens formand i forening med en direktør, eller bestyrelsens formand i forening med Komplementaren eller af den samlede bestyrelse.

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnAip Management P/S (Koncern)
AdresseKlareboderne 1, 1115 København K
BrancheKoncerner []
Etableret18-04-2018 (6 år)
Første regnskabsperiode18-04-2018 til 31-12-2018
VirksomhedsformKommanditaktieselskab / Partnerselskab
Antal ansatte92 (årsværk:85)
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital1.000.000 DKK
Vedtægter seneste13-04-2023

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabets formål er at rådgive om investeringer og forvalte unoterede investeringsstrukturer samt al virksomhed, som efter bestyrelsens skøn er beslægtet hermed.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK
Årets resultat


Main activity The company's main activity is, as an independent investment manager, to invest in and manage energy and infrastructure assets and related companies on behalf of institutional investors and other business activities related to this. The company is registered as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager licensed by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to operate as fund manager in accordance with the Danish Alternative Investment Fund Managers, etc., Act. In 2022 the company managed six alternative investment funds, AIFs (PKA Direct I K/S, PKA Direct II K/S, PKA Ophelia Holding K/S, AIP Infrastructure I K/S, AIP Infrastructure II K/S and AIP Swiss Feeder K/S). In addition, the company manages certain administrative task for other investors with respect to investments where the investors of the funds managed by the company have joint ownership or similar in one or more of the investments. Development in the year The Group's Income Statement for the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK 5.8m and at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 146.1m, and an equity of DKK 45.2m. The Board of Directors propose a dividend of DKK 1.5m at the general meeting. The company manages a total of 22 investments within offshore wind, onshore wind, solar PV, energy storage, biomass, gas infrastructure and telecommunications with a total fair value of DKK 23.13bn as at the balance sheet date. In 2022 AIP Management has expanded its presence in North America and opened an office in New York. During 2022 the funds managed by AIP Management signed binding agreements to complete 5 new investments. The average number of employees grew by 21 during 2022. The management is satisfied with the development in the year of 2022. Knowledge resources Employees are an important knowledge resource for the company's success. It is imperative for the company to maintain key competences within portfolio management, asset management, risk management, legal and compliance among its employees. At year end AIP Management has 81 employees in our offices in Denmark, USA, Spain and UK. Sustainability The inherent societal importance of energy and infrastructure assets makes ESG an imperative component for AIP when investing in and managing such assets. We believe that a strong focus on responsible investing and ESG will create long-term value for our investors. Consequently, we have integrated a range of ESG principles and valuations throughout all stages of our investment process; from initial screening and investment analysis, during due diligence, negotiation and closing of transaction, and thereafter in the asset management phase. We actively monitor and work with ESG issues in our portfolio of assets and, in close cooperation with our co-investors and operating partners, we continuously strive to improve ESG performance metrics alongside traditional financial performance. At AIP, we advocate a strong awareness of ESG topics amongst our employees and make every effort to ensure our investment partners mirror these principles as well. Risks The company continuously develops its tools and processes to identify and manage risks. The Board of Directors lays down the overall related policies and regularly receives reports on developments. The daily risk management is conducted by the risk department. The company's income is dependent on the development of the management fee and other fees. Please refer to note 10 regarding risks and uncertainties. Uncertainties Management believes that no material uncertainty is related to recognition and measurement of any of the assets or liabilities on the balance sheet. Management has not identified any unusual circumstances that might have affected recognition or measurement in the financial statements. Subsequent events No events have occurred which are considered to have effect on the assessment of the Financial Statements. Expected development The pipeline of investment opportunities is attractive, and the company expects to continue it's planned activities for 2023 including adding additional investments as well as investors to the funds managed. Positions for the Executive Board and the Board of Directors Kasper Hansen, CEO and Managing Partner Executive Board: - AIP Management P/S - PKA AIP A/S - AIP Infrastructure II GP ApS - AIP Infrastructure I GP ApS - PKA Direct GP ApS - PKA Ophelia Holding GP ApS - AIP Blafa GP ApS - NSI DK HoldCo GP ApS - AIP Zion GP ApS - AIP El Campo Holding GP ApS - AIP Escalade Holding GP ApS - AIP Mallard Holding GP ApS - AIP Dante Holding GP ApS - AIP Porter Holding GP ApS - AIP Partner Holding ApS - 2020 Holding ApS - Daem Holding ApS - AIP CIV Komplementar ApS - AIP Komplementar ApS - AIP XLT Holding GP ApS - AIP Pref NE GP ApS - AIP Pref S.E. GP ApS - AIP II Holding 7 GP ApS - AIP II Holding 8 GP ApS. Board of Directors: - AIP Partner Holding ApS Peter Damgaard, Chairman Board of Directors: - AIP Management P/S - Investeringsforeningen Maj Invest - PENM IV GP ERF Fonden - Private equity new markets IV K/S - Climate Investment Coalition F.M.B.A - Fonden World Climate Foundation - Nordic Impact Bridge ApS. Torsten Fels Executive Board: - PenSam Holding A/S - PenSam Pension Forsikringsaktieselskab - PenSam Forsikring A/S - PenSam Bank A/S. Board of Directors: - AIP Management P/S - PenSam A/S - Danish SDG Investment Fund - Institutional Holding P/S. Jannick Prehn Brøndum, General Counsel Executive Board: - AIP Infrastructure II GP ApS - AIP Infrastructure I GP ApS - PKA Direct GP ApS - PKA Ophelia Holding GP ApS - AIP Blafa GP ApS - NSI DK HoldCo GP ApS - AIP Zion GP ApS - AIP El Campo Holding GP ApS - AIP Escalade Holding GP ApS - AIP Mallard Holding GP ApS - AIP Dante Holding GP ApS - AIP Porter Holding GP ApS - PKA Sygeplejersker og Lægesekretærer GP ApS - PKA Socialrådgivere, Socialpædagoger og Kontorpersonale GP ApS - PKA Sundshedsfaglige GP ApS - PKA Walney Extension Holding ApS - PKA Burbo Extension Holding ApS - PKA TeesREP Holding ApS - Brøndum Holding 2021 ApS - AIP XLT Holding GP ApS - AIP Pref NE GP ApS - AIP Pref S.E. GP ApS - AIP II Holding 7 GP ApS - AIP II Holding 8 GP ApS. Board of Directors: - AIP Management P/S - PKA AIP A/S - AIP Partner Holding ApS. Jon Johnsen Executive Board: - Pensionskassernes Administration A/S - Pka+ Pension Forsikringsselskab A/S - Pensionskassen for Farmakonomer, - Pensionskassen for Sundhedsfaglige - Pensionskassen for Sygeplejersker og Lægesekretærer - Pensionskassen for Socialrådgivere, Socialpædagoger og Kontorpersonale - Sundhedsfagliges Ejendomsaktieselskab - Sygeplejerskernes og Lægesekretærernes Ejendomsselskab - Farmakonomernes Ejendomsaktieselskab - Socialrådgivernes, Socialpædagogernes og Kontorpersonalets Ejendomsaktieselskab - Ejendomsaktieselskabet Dronningegården - PKA Ejendomme af 2012 I/S - Tuborg Havnevej I/S - PKA Ejendomme I I/S - PKA Projektselskab I/S - PKA Ejendomme af 2013 I/S. Board of Directors: - AIP Management P/S - Institutional Holding P/S - Forstædernes Ejendomsaktieselskab - IIP Denmark P/S - IIP Denmark GP ApS - PKA Private Funds III GP ApS - PKA Private Funds IV GP ApS - PKA Venture I GP ApS - Forca A/S - Poppelstykket 12 A/S - Rugårdsvej Odense A/S - PKA Skejby Komplementar ApS - PKA Skejby P/S - Farmapension A/S - Ringkjøbing Landbobank A/S - A/S Kjøbenhavns Ejendomsselskab - IIP Venture II GP ApS - IIP Private funds V GP ApS - Komplementarselskabet PKA Ejendomme ApS - PKA Ejendomme P/S. Fredrik Karlsson Board of Directors: - AIP Management P/S - Frippco Konsult AB - FrippCo AB - Capillary Concrete AB - Pegroco Invest AB - Lekolar Group AB - David Bonnier & Co Juristbyrå AB - Nordstjernan Growth AB - Golden Bell AB. Jan Erik Saugestad Executive Board: - Storebrand Asset Management AS Board of Directors: - AIP Management P/S - Institutional Holding P/S - Capital Investment A/S - Storebrand Fonder AB - Skagen AS - Verdipapirfondenes Forening - Verdipapirfondenes Forening - Næringspolitikk, Cubera Private Equity AS - Wild Goose AS.

Development in the year The Group's Income Statement for the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK 5.8m and at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 146.1m, and an equity of DKK 45.2m. The Board of Directors propose a dividend of DKK 1.5m at the general meeting. The company manages a total of 22 investments within offshore wind, onshore wind, solar PV, energy storage, biomass, gas infrastructure and telecommunications with a total fair value of DKK 23.13bn as at the balance sheet date. In 2022 AIP Management has expanded its presence in North America and opened an office in New York. During 2022 the funds managed by AIP Management signed binding agreements to complete 5 new investments. The average number of employees grew by 21 during 2022. The management is satisfied with the development in the year of 2022. , Development in the year The Group's Income Statement for the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK 5.8m and at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 146.1m, and an equity of DKK 45.2m. The Board of Directors propose a dividend of DKK 1.5m at the general meeting. The company manages a total of 22 investments within offshore wind, onshore wind, solar PV, energy storage, biomass, gas infrastructure and telecommunications with a total fair value of DKK 23.13bn as at the balance sheet date. In 2022 AIP Management has expanded its presence in North America and opened an office in New York. During 2022 the funds managed by AIP Management signed binding agreements to complete 5 new investments. The average number of employees grew by 21 during 2022. The management is satisfied with the development in the year of 2022.
