-7.951.030 DKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
-13.423.958 DKK
Årets resultat
-17.306.410 DKK
1.192.797 DKK

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Med en Bisbase Premium konto får du flere nøgletal for både virksomheder, koncerner og brancher samt adgang til eksklusive brancher indeholdende virksomheder nøje sammensat af eksperter. Og vil du lave dine egne analyser kan du også det! Det tager få minutter at få adgang - og det behøver ikke at koste dig noget!

Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Bund 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Bund 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Jan Mattsson 1Bestyrelsesformand
Annemette Færch 51Bestyrelsesmedlem
Katja Iversen 3Bestyrelsesmedlem

Legale ejere top 3


Selskabet tegnes af tre bestyrelsesmedlemmer i forening eller af et bestyrelsesmedlem i forening med den administrerende direktør.

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

Navn4Life Solutions Aps
BinavneSolarsack Aps Vis mere
AdresseFruebjergvej 3, c/o SolarSack, 2100 København Ø
BrancheEngroshandel med andre råvarer og halvfabrikata [467600]
Etableret22-01-2018 (6 år)
Første regnskabsperiode22-01-2018 til 31-12-2018
Antal ansatte9 (årsværk:8)
RevisorPiaster Revisorerne, Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab siden 25-04-2019
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital93.910 DKK
93.204 DKK (01-06-2022 - 20-09-2023)
88.801 DKK (15-12-2021 - 31-05-2022)
84.397 DKK (01-09-2021 - 14-12-2021)
79.994 DKK (29-06-2021 - 31-08-2021)
75.621 DKK (29-01-2021 - 28-06-2021)
Vedtægter seneste06-03-2024

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabets formål er at udvikle og sælge lavpris vandrensningssystemer til udviklingslande og hermed beslægtet virksomhed.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


Development in activities and financial matters
Having already implemented a total of 152.000 SaWa Bags with more than ten renowned NGO’s – mainly in East Africa - 4Life Solutions is moving from a start-up to scale-up phase. During 2022 the company raised DKK 12,4 million in convertible loans from existing impact investors and it will continue to use this facility to fund the current scaling phase. The company’s financial performance met or exceeded planning targets, and the forecast for 2023 is promising with the number of NGO partnerships growing as well as the new SaWa Can coming to market. In 2022, 4Life Solutions signed MoU’s with the Governments of Uganda, Tanzania, and South Sudan to help communities most at risk to get safe drinking water. These are partnership agreements with the purpose to attract funding and create awareness of the opportunity to get safe drinking water to low-income communities in an affordable and environmentally sustainable manner. The MoU’s carry no financial commitment for 4Life Solutions. During the year 4Life Solutions opened a subsidiary in Nairobi called 4Life Solutions Africa SEZ Ltd. 4Life Solutions Africa is 100% owned by 4Life Solutions ApS and acts as employer of staff in East Africa as well as a location for warehousing and final assembly of SaWa products. At year-end 17 full time employees were contracted at 4Life Solutions Africa. 4Life Solutions Africa maintained its own bookkeeping and its annual report was audited by local external accountants. 4Life Solutions Africa is funded primarily by loans from 4Life Solutions ApS and to a smaller extent by regional revenue. The loans are converted into Equity at year end.

ESG Engagement
Creating positive impact on people and planet while making business is embedded in 4Life Solutions’ DNA and products and considered a prerequisite for the success of 4Life Solutions mission. As part of the company’s ESG engagement, 4Life Solutions became a partner in UN Global Compact (UNGC) in 2022, committing to support Global Compact's ten principles covering human rights, labour rights, environmental sustainability, and anti-corruption. The required UNGC Communication on Progress (CoP) report for the fiscal year of 2022 has been issued. In 2022, 4Life Solutions approved its Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Policy, which is aligned with the minimum safeguards laid out by UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and ILO declarations on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. As part of the ESG approach, the Board of Directors and the Executive Management regularly and at least bi-annually review business and ESG impacts, risks and opportunities related to the value chain and business model, and supervise the ESG approach, including ESG reporting. The Board of Directors and the Executive Management has zero tolerance for corruption and strive to ensure that 4Life Solutions reduces its environmental footprint, protects young workers, and secures there is no child nor bonded/forced labour in its activities, including through engagement with its key suppliers and stakeholders as part of the company’s non-negotiable demands.
