278 MDKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
-45.387.000 DKK
Årets resultat
-44.620.000 DKK

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Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Bund 35%"
Rang i Danmark
"Bund 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Thierry Casteran 1Bestyrelsesformand
Guillaume Francois Robert Citton 1Bestyrelsesmedlem
Silvia Trummer-Baeck 1Bestyrelsesmedlem

Legale ejere top 3


Selskabet tegnes af  2 bestyrelsesmedlemmer i forening, 1 bestyrelsesmedlem i forening med 1 direktør eller af den samlede bestyrelse.

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnImerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S
BinavneDamolin A/S, Dansk Moler Industri A/S, Færker Moler Beton A/S, Færker Moler Beton A/S (Dansk Moler Industri A/S) Reg. Nr. 16.792, Færker Moler Kompagniet A/S, Færker Moler Kompagniet A/S (Dansk Moler Industri A/S) Reg. Nr. 16.791 Vis mere
AdresseKønsborgvej 9, Kønsberg, 7884 Fur
BrancheAnden råstofindvinding i.a.n. [089900]
Etableret14-02-1942 (82 år)
Antal ansatte96 (årsværk:87)
RevisorPricewaterhousecoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab siden 12-07-2022
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital2.170.050 DKK
2.170.000 DKK (30-04-1997 - 12-12-2022)
1.700.000 DKK (09-06-1989 - 29-04-1997)
1.100.000 DKK (30-08-1987 - 08-06-1989)
Vedtægter seneste13-12-2022

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabets formål er (i) fabrikation og salg af pulver og granulatprodukter samt beslægtede produkter, alt alene til anvendelse som fyldstoffer i andre produkter, som bærestoffer samt til absorptionsformål, idet granulatprodukter dog yderligere skal kunne sælges til afdækningsformål i støberiprocesser og (ii) virksomhed ved drift af landbrugsejendomme.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


The Company's principal activities Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S extracts and processes the material moler, which is sold as both powder and granulate products. Moreover, the Company processes and markets a number of complementary - primarily mineral-based - products from Europe, the USA and Asia. The products are primarily used as absorbents and are sold as cat litter, oil/chemical absorbents, pesticide carrrier vehicle as well as a multi-funcitonal component of feed production. Moreover, our mineral products are integrated in a vast number of manufactured products within industry, agriculture and the retail trade. The primary markets of Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S are in Europe. Sales are effected from Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S and through distributors in France. Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of TDKK -44,620 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of TDKK 230,009 and an equity of TDKK 50.035. The result for 2022 is below expected level. The result for the year has been affected by the global Covid-19 pandemic, and also the increase in energy prices. The legal entity is more and more integrated in the international group structure. Existing production and daily administrative activities has in 2022 remained unchanged. Operating risks and environment Moler is a natural product with a history of some 54 million years. One of the factors that may affect the raw material is pollution from industrialised society. We are very aware of pollution as well as possible sources of pollution in our day-to-day production as it is Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S's intention always to supply our customers with a pure and eco-friendly natural product. Furthermore, it is essential to Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S to continue to have sufficient access to extracting moler, which is ensured through close cooperation with relevant authorities in Denmark. As regards other raw materials, Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S relies on agreements and close cooperation with foreign key suppliers of mineral deposits. Although Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S is contiuously striving to substitute fossil fuels by other more carbon-neutral fuels, a significant part of the energy consumption is subject to the market forces for fossil fuels. Market risks The individual product groups are subject to different market conditions. Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S has a broad customer platform without substantial reliance on individual customers; however, an unexpected loss of individual product groups or customer groups might result in increased production costs. Strategy It is the strategy that Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S should develop in a controlled manner by organic growth and potentially, when considered appropriate, by acquisition. Growth will be pursued in the existing business areas focusing on the areas in which Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S has its core competences. Targets and expectations for the year ahead Both industrial and consumer products are sold in keen international competition. 2023 is expected to see a stable market development, and Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S will therefore focus on increasing its market shares in existing and new market in Europe. Revenue for 2023 is expected to increase as compared to the level realised for 2021 and 2022. The Company expects a turnover between 300-320 mDKK during 2023. Focus on efficiency measures will continue in 2023, and earnings are expected to improve compared to financial year 2022. The level of net earnings is forecasted to be between 10-15 mDKK. For the year 2022 we expected a turnover between 250 and 265 mDKK and net earnings at the level of +/- 5 mDKK. Because of the fact that we still had an impact on sales from Corona in the first half of 2022, we only realized a turnover of 223 mDKK. Combined with a big rise in energy prices, the Company were not able to meet the goals. The development in 2023 will however be strongly impacted by the global environment due to the war activities in Ukraine which is affecting energy prices strongly. Overall, the key elements influencing the development in 2023 are: - Competitive environment - Energy prices - Purchase prices development - Political environmental decisions and related taxes Research and development The Company undertakes research and development in connection with optimisation of production and new own products as well as customized solutions. Knowledge ressource It is essential for the company's continued growth to attract and maintain highly skilled labor within all organizational functions. Ongoing development is important in order to maintain the company's competitiveness, which neccessitates ongoing investment in the training of company employees. Internally in the Group, a wide range of continuing education programs and knowledge sharing initiatives are offered. Subsequent events No events have occured after the balance sheet date significantly affecting the company's financial position. The company has received confirmation from the parent company Imerys Minerals, Internation Sales, to continue the support of the company to meet liabilitis as and when they fall due.

Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of TDKK -44,620 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of TDKK 230,009 and an equity of TDKK 50.035. The result for 2022 is below expected level. The result for the year has been affected by the global Covid-19 pandemic, and also the increase in energy prices. The legal entity is more and more integrated in the international group structure. Existing production and daily administrative activities has in 2022 remained unchanged. Operating risks and environment Moler is a natural product with a history of some 54 million years. One of the factors that may affect the raw material is pollution from industrialised society. We are very aware of pollution as well as possible sources of pollution in our day-to-day production as it is Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S's intention always to supply our customers with a pure and eco-friendly natural product. Furthermore, it is essential to Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S to continue to have sufficient access to extracting moler, which is ensured through close cooperation with relevant authorities in Denmark. As regards other raw materials, Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S relies on agreements and close cooperation with foreign key suppliers of mineral deposits. Although Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S is contiuously striving to substitute fossil fuels by other more carbon-neutral fuels, a significant part of the energy consumption is subject to the market forces for fossil fuels. Market risks The individual product groups are subject to different market conditions. Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S has a broad customer platform without substantial reliance on individual customers; however, an unexpected loss of individual product groups or customer groups might result in increased production costs. Strategy It is the strategy that Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S should develop in a controlled manner by organic growth and potentially, when considered appropriate, by acquisition. Growth will be pursued in the existing business areas focusing on the areas in which Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S has its core competences. , The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of TDKK -44,620 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of TDKK 230,009 and an equity of TDKK 50.035. The result for 2022 is below expected level. The result for the year has been affected by the global Covid-19 pandemic, and also the increase in energy prices. The legal entity is more and more integrated in the international group structure. Existing production and daily administrative activities has in 2022 remained unchanged. Operating risks and environment Moler is a natural product with a history of some 54 million years. One of the factors that may affect the raw material is pollution from industrialised society. We are very aware of pollution as well as possible sources of pollution in our day-to-day production as it is Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S's intention always to supply our customers with a pure and eco-friendly natural product. Furthermore, it is essential to Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S to continue to have sufficient access to extracting moler, which is ensured through close cooperation with relevant authorities in Denmark. As regards other raw materials, Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S relies on agreements and close cooperation with foreign key suppliers of mineral deposits. Although Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S is contiuously striving to substitute fossil fuels by other more carbon-neutral fuels, a significant part of the energy consumption is subject to the market forces for fossil fuels. Market risks The individual product groups are subject to different market conditions. Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S has a broad customer platform without substantial reliance on individual customers; however, an unexpected loss of individual product groups or customer groups might result in increased production costs. Strategy It is the strategy that Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S should develop in a controlled manner by organic growth and potentially, when considered appropriate, by acquisition. Growth will be pursued in the existing business areas focusing on the areas in which Imerys Industrial Minerals Denmark A/S has its core competences.
