-530.874 DKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
-1.636.770 DKK
Årets resultat
-1.644.080 DKK
-6.381.131 DKK

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Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnAlthea Danmark Aps
AdresseHerlev Hovedgade 195C, 2, c/o Accountor Denmark A/S, 2730 Herlev
BrancheKonsulentbistand vedrørende informationsteknologi [620200]
Etableret23-02-2018 (6 år)
Første regnskabsperiode23-02-2018 til 31-12-2018
Antal ansatte1 (årsværk:1)
Revision fravalgtJa
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital50.000 DKK
Vedtægter seneste03-06-2019


Selskabets formål er at drive handel og industri samt al virksomhed beslægtet hermed.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


The Company's principal activities The Company's principal activities consist in consultancy regarding information technology. The purpose is to operate trade and industri as well as all business related thereto. Development in activities and the financial situation The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK -1.644.080 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 193.986 and an equity of DKK -6.381.131. Restoration of share capital It has been decided to shut down the company after March 2023 Capital resources The company has a negative equity. In order to secure that the company's capital resources are sound at any time and that sufficient liquidity is available to meet the Company's current and future liabilitiesas they fall due, the parent company has issued a letter of support. The parent company F21 Medtech S.P.A , a company registered in Italy with registration no. MI-2121062, declares to provide sufficient business and financial support to finance current plans and budgets for Althea Danmark ApS for a minimum of 3 months from the balance date at 31 December 2022, up to the amount of DKK 5.000.000. This commitment has been provided to the executive board of Althea Danmark ApS in order to ensure Althea Danmark ApS can meet its obligations as they all due. This commitment terminates at March 31 2023. This letter of financial support is irrevocable and enforced by the executive board of Althea Danmark ApS without any terms or conditions. Expectations for the future The company will not continue the operations after March 2023.

Development in activities and the financial situation The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK -1.644.080 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 193.986 and an equity of DKK -6.381.131. Restoration of share capital It has been decided to shut down the company after March 2023 Capital resources The company has a negative equity. In order to secure that the company's capital resources are sound at any time and that sufficient liquidity is available to meet the Company's current and future liabilitiesas they fall due, the parent company has issued a letter of support. The parent company F21 Medtech S.P.A , a company registered in Italy with registration no. MI-2121062, declares to provide sufficient business and financial support to finance current plans and budgets for Althea Danmark ApS for a minimum of 3 months from the balance date at 31 December 2022, up to the amount of DKK 5.000.000. This commitment has been provided to the executive board of Althea Danmark ApS in order to ensure Althea Danmark ApS can meet its obligations as they all due. This commitment terminates at March 31 2023. This letter of financial support is irrevocable and enforced by the executive board of Althea Danmark ApS without any terms or conditions.
