-935.237 DKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
-1.693.357 DKK
Årets resultat
-1.456.544 DKK

Flere nøgletal og analyser?

Med en Bisbase Premium konto får du flere nøgletal for både virksomheder, koncerner og brancher samt adgang til eksklusive brancher indeholdende virksomheder nøje sammensat af eksperter. Og vil du lave dine egne analyser kan du også det! Det tager få minutter at få adgang - og det behøver ikke at koste dig noget!

Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Bund 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Bund 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Jonathan Tjoa Algreen 5Bestyrelsesformand
Molay Ghosh 1Bestyrelsesmedlem
Rea Louise Tjoa Algreen 1Bestyrelsesmedlem

Legale ejere top 3


Selskabet tegnes af formanden for bestyrelsen i forening med en direktør, formanden for bestyrelsen i forening med et bestyrelsesmedlem eller af den samlede bestyrelse

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

Navn1 People A/S
Binavne1 People Together A/S, Fairshop A/S, Fairshop.Com A/S, One People A/S, We Are 1 People A/S, 1 People Jewelry A/S, One People Together A/S Vis mere
AdresseVenedigvej 5, 4 th, c/o Ulla Algreen, 2300 København S
BrancheFremstilling af anden yderbeklædning [141300]
Etableret04-06-2012 (11 år)
Første regnskabsperiode04-06-2012 til 31-12-2012
Antal ansatte1 (årsværk:1)
Revision fravalgtJa
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
BankforbindelseSpar Nord
Selskabskapital12.664.574 DKK
12.061.500 DKK (10-11-2023 - 06-12-2023)
12.000.000 DKK (16-06-2022 - 09-11-2023)
10.000.000 DKK (25-11-2021 - 15-06-2022)
7.572.497 DKK (16-12-2020 - 24-11-2021)
2.572.497 DKK (18-12-2014 - 15-12-2020)
Vedtægter seneste07-12-2023

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabet producerer og sælger etiske og bæredygtige luksus mode- og livsstilsprodukter eller produkter, der relaterer sig til mode, eksempelvis tasker, ure, smykker, tøj, skønhedsprodukter og lignende varer. Selskabets formål er at vise en ny måde at drive forretning på, og at vise at en forretning kan have et større formål end fortjeneste. Dette gøres ved, A) at medvirke til, at fattigdom, analfabetisme og uværdige levevilkår udryddes på verdensplan ved at generere en bæredygtig og vedvarende vækst i udviklingslande ved at tilvejebringe arbejdspladser, uddannelse og investeringer. B) at uddanne og investere i nye iværksættere, der er drevet af socialt iværksætterånd. Dette gøres direkte gennem Business for Planet-programmet, hvor en del af 1 People's fortjeneste og ressourcer afsættes til at støtte programmet. C) at sørge for, at alle vores beslutninger og alle produkter, som vi sælger og producerer, altid er i overensstemmelse med en People and Planet centreret tilgang. Vi er etiske og bæredygtige i alle vores aktiviteter. Yderligere er et af Selskabets formål i sin virksomhed og drift at have en væsentlig positiv indvirkning på samfundet og miljøet som helhed.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


The Company's principal activities The company produce and sell ethical and sustainable luxury fashion and lifestyle or related products within fashion, such as bags, watches, jewellery, clothing, care products and similar items. The company's purpose is to: show a new way of doing business. That business can have a bigger purpose than just for profit. Doing this through, A) contribute to an end of poverty, illiteracy and unworthy living conditions worldwide, by creating sustainable and persistent growth in developing countries, by providing jobs, education and investments. B) educate and invest in new entrepreneurs who are driven by social impact entrepreneurship. This is done directly through the Business for Planet programme where some of 1 People’s profit and resources are allocated to support the programme. C) make sure that all our decisions, all products we sell and produce are always aligned with a People and Planet centric approach. We are ethical and sustainable in all our operations. Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company Development in activities and the financial situation The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK -1,456,544 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 28,809,565 and an equity of DKK 10,206,581. Post financial year events After the end of the financial year, no events have occurred which may change the financial position of the entity substantially. Expectations for the future 2022 has been a new record year. We have expanded our operations to new markets and have increased group revenue by 50%. More marketplaces and consignment based stores have been added to our distribution network and we have growth on all important key numbers. In June 2022 we closed our series A funding which has pushed the organization and sales to its next level. We are now more present in the USA which is a new market to us yet already important and with a huge potential. We will dedicate more resources to this new market to unlock its potential. 2022 has also been used to prepare for an even stronger growth of which we have already experienced in the two first quarters of 2023. Therefore we expect a lot from 2023 with new records for the most important key numbers as well as revenue.

Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company Development in activities and the financial situation The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK -1,456,544 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 28,809,565 and an equity of DKK 10,206,581. , Development in activities and the financial situation The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 shows a result of DKK -1,456,544 and the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2022 a balance sheet total of DKK 28,809,565 and an equity of DKK 10,206,581.
