587 MDKK
105 MDKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat

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Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Top 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Top 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Niko Rodio 2Bestyrelsesformand
Niels Berenth From 2Bestyrelsesmedlem
Stephen Mark Wright 2Bestyrelsesmedlem


Selskabet tegnes af den samlede bestyrelse, af en direktør sammen med et bestyrelsesmedlem eller af 2 medlemmer af bestyrelsen.

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnBoehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Denmark A/S
BinavneBoehringer Ingelheim Agrovet A/S, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Nordics A/S, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica A/S, Vetmedica A/S, Merial Norden A/S, Rhone Merieux Norden A/S Vis mere
AdresseWeidekampsgade 14, 2300 København S
BrancheEngroshandel med medicinalvarer og sygeplejeartikler [464610]
Etableret01-10-1989 (34 år)
Første regnskabsperiode01-10-1989 til 31-12-1990
Antal ansatte87 (årsværk:78)
RevisorKpmg P/S siden 04-06-2018
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital2.132.000 DKK
4.631.000 DKK (01-01-2018 - 03-09-2020)
1.000.000 DKK (29-05-1991 - 31-12-2017)
300.000 DKK (06-10-1989 - 28-05-1991)
Vedtægter seneste29-01-2024


Selskabets formål er enhver aktivitet i forbindelse med salgsfremmende virksomhed og distribution samt produk- tion og forskning og enhver anden beslægtet aktivitet inden for animalsk sundhed.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


Particular risks Operating risks Data Ethics Policy (cf. section 99d of the Financial Statements Act) With the head office located in Denmark and covering the Nordic region, an inherent risk of exchange rate fluctuation between the Danish and Swedish and the Danish and Norwegian Kroner exists. No measures are in place to mitigate the risk. Parallel import of Pets, PHC and Swine products occurred in 2022 but due to the lack of data difficult to quantify and assess the development for 2023. Consolidation of primary business relations continues, increasing the pressure for animal health companies to offer preferential terms. The impact is considered in the budgeting process, but might increase further than estimated. Continues pressure on the swine business has been included into the financial plans for 2023. 1. Introduction 1.1 This policy describes our data ethics and the principles that BI Denmark uses to process data ethically, responsibly and transparently. 1.2 Our data ethics policy aims to clarify how the group works with data ethics and data use, and to establish a framework for data ethical conduct. The policy must support and supplement the group’s CSR and privacy policy. 2. Background 2.1 On 1 January 2021, new legislation came into force for large and listed companies in Denmark with a duty to report on data ethics. The aim of the legislation is to create transparency in the way companies work with data and to encourage companies to take responsibility for how they process personal data and data. 2.2 The BI Denmark’s activities primarily focus on sales and marketing of Human Pharmaceuticals in Denmark and Animal Health veterinary products in the Nordic region. 3. Use 3.1 BI Denmark increasingly processes data in line with the digitisation and transformation of the Human Pharmaceuticals and Animal Health industries. BI Denmark’s policy for data ethics is therefore not limited to the processing of personal data, but generally applies to all types of data that are processed. This policy applies to all BI Denmark’s companies and obligates all employees. 4. Principles of data ethical processing 4.1 BI Denmark is committed to being aware of its social responsibility and works diligently in the Human Pharmaceuticals and Animal Health industries in a responsible direction. BI Denmark recognises that data ethics develops in parallel with values in wider society, which is why the principles must be assessed and revised on an ongoing basis to avoid conduct that is not in accordance with data ethical principles. 4.2 The guiding principles for data ethics, as described below, set the ethical standard for the use of data in BI Denmark and are based on the Charter Of Fundamental Rights Of The European Union. 4.2.1 Self-determination People’s self-determination must be a priority in all data processes. BI Denmark’s work with the ethically correct processing of data will always be based on individuals having control when data is transferred to us and that transparency can be achieved in the individual data processes. Transparency and self-determination must be design requirements in all new data processes. Data processes must be designed for transparency and with the possibility of accessing data – “transparency and data access must be design requirements in our solutions”. 4.3 Privacy The processing of data is executed with respect for the customer’s privacy and under the protection of personal data. BI Denmark processes personal data in accordance with our privacy policy and only processes data that is necessary to fulfil the purpose of the processing. Data must be processed in ways that are consistent with the originating party’s intentions, expectations and understanding. For example, personal data may not be processed for new purposes that are incompatible with the purposes for which the personal data was originally collected. Data processes must respect the customer’s privacy and comply with personal data legislation - “what we say is also what we do”. 4.3.1 Human dignity BI Denmark will always ensure the dignity of the individual. We do not use data brokers and do not sell personal data to third parties. We do not use sensitive personal data ("data concerning racial, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation") in connection with marketing. Data processes must ensure the dignity of the individual - “we do not use data brokers and do not sell personal data”. 4.3.2 Responsibility Being responsible is to show due diligence when using new technology to ensure integrity in everything that we do. Everyone at BI Denmark will contribute to the responsible and ethical processing of data. This means we work with risk assessments that not only address personal data legal requirements, but also include an assessment of ethical responsibility. Data processes must be risk assessed and assessed in relation to ethical responsibility - “we comply with legal requirements for personal data, including the data ethics policy”. 4.3.3 Safety A “best practice” level of security must be implemented in and around the technologies used for the processing of data. Security measures must include both technical and organisational measures, and the necessary level of security must be determined on the basis of a risk assessment of the specific processing activity and the technology used for the processing of data with the individual in focus. BI Denmark does not use artificial intelligence, as artificial intelligence is not an integral part of our business strategy or business activities. 4.3.4 Equality and necessity BI Denmark only uses data that is necessary, factual and legitimate in relation to the individual, and is in the individual’s interest, without exposing the individual to discrimination or stigmatisation. Data processes must be designed to support equality and necessity - “we do not discriminate against individuals using data, and we only use data when necessary and in the individual’s interest”.

The 2022 revenue amounted to DKK 587.463 thousand compared to DKK 588.519 thousand in 2021. The year 2022 showed a clear dichotomy regarding revenue results. The commercial activities were mainly impacted by the continuous heavy pressure in the swine vaccine business due to general market instability and increase in competitive pressure with new launches and prices resulting in a decrease of sales in the livestock portfolio versus last year and budget. Companion animal portfolio for both, Pet and Equine, continued with a strong growth compared to previous year. Overall, for the total Animal Health Nordics business, revenue results were below budget and below previous year. Management considers the revenue satisfactory finishing the year slightly above budget, but below 2021. Market demand remained relatively constant resulting in stable market positions for 4 out of 5 primary business segments. Our swine vaccine business was under heavy pressure during 2022 due to general market instability and increase in competitive pressure with new launches and price reductions. The performance of the 4 other segments is further underlined by being achieved in a year with supply constraints, generic launches and discontinuation of products affecting the result. The Kalundborg site performed as expected in 2022 continuing and adapting production to the constraint and restriction coursed by the high inflation and increased world market prices for raw & packaging material including energy cost. The service level remained high all through 2022. The income statement of the Company for 2022 shows a net result of DKK 17.459 thousand after taxes, which is lower with 30,2% compared to 2021.
