728 MDKK
171 MDKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
178 MDKK

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Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Top 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Top 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Thorbjørn Hjarndal 2Bestyrelsesformand
Robert Paul Janse 2Bestyrelsesmedlem
Philip Mørch Nadelmann 2Bestyrelsesmedlem

Legale ejere top 3


Selskabet tegnes af en direktør i forening med formanden for bestyrelsen eller af den samlede bestyrelse.

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnMediq Danmark A/S
BinavneHermedico A/S, Kirudan A/S, Mediq Danmark Køge A/S, Mediq Direkte A/S, Mediq Institution A/S, Opco A/S, Puls Danmark A/S, Upviser A/S, Mediq Danmark A/S Vis mere
AdresseKornmarksvej 15-19, 2605 Brøndby
BrancheEngroshandel med læge- og hospitalsartikler [464620]
Etableret30-04-1979 (45 år)
Første regnskabsperiode01-01-1979 til 31-12-1979
Antal ansatte182 (årsværk:166)
RevisorKpmg P/S siden 26-06-2014
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital5.010.000 DKK
5.000.000 DKK (03-06-1996 - 30-06-2013)
500.000 DKK (30-08-1987 - 02-06-1996)
Vedtægter seneste29-06-2023

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabets formål er salg, distribution og markedsføring af forbrugsvarer og udstyr til sundhedssektoren i Norden samt virksomhed, der efter bestyrelsens skøn står i naturlig forbindelse hermed.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


Financial instruments The Company's risk exposure Social and employee relations Gender Diversity in the Management prepared according to Danish Financial Statements Act §99b Data ethics Our goal is to have an equal gender distribution, but new members of staff/Board of Directors are recruited exclusively on the basis of their qualifications. In middle and top management, 50% are women. One woman is represented on the Board of Directors, which consists of three members. As these distributions fulfill the requirements for an equal distribution of gender (60/40) we have not set a target for increasing the number of women on the Board of Directors or formulated a policy for increasing the number of women in management. However, we continuously work to uphold the equal distribution. Recruitment and retention Mediq aims to attract capable people who want to work in a company that combines healthcare and entrepreneurial drive. We seek employees who are flexible, ambitious and passionate about working in the healthcare business, and who act in alignment with our core values. Our recruitment process is in line with GDPR standards, and we always strive to find a match in recruitment processes. We aim at successful recruitments by keeping turnover in new hires at a minimum during the first two years. The turnover rate of employees in general varies according to the development in the Danish labor market development. The employee turnover rate in 2022 was above the aim of approximately 10-13%. The turnover rate is a risk as in many similar companies, which we continuously monitor. Engagement Our ambition is to have committed and proud employees who identity with the Company's strategy. Therefore, we continuously strive to increase engagement among employees, through a transparent communication with an interactive social platform which makes it easy to market social gatherings. employee "stay strong" initiatives, training and education and all together strengthening a positive cross department working culture. Feedback regarding working environment is continuously received from employees through engagement surveys and workplace evaluations {APV) conducted at a minimum by-annually. Employee feedback is key to improving our organization. Development As an international company present in 13 countries across Europe, opportunities exist to learn cross border and develop through cross-border job responsibilities. Focus on development is part of the annual performance management process. In Mediq, we take on our social responsibility to train trainees and students. In several departments, we have student assistants and trainees engaged in order to gain practical experience in combination with the theoretical studies. In addition, we co-operate with local municipalities in engaging local citizens as interns returning to the labor market from e.g long-term illness or finding a foothold in the Danish labor market, we aim at fulfilling our social responsibility here. Health and safety Mediq has safety procedures and carries them out conscientiously. These procedures are described in handbooks and quality systems. Safety training is used to educate logistics employees. Local Working Environment Representatives are proactively conducting audits to secure and satisfy ongoing need for training to have a safe and healthy working environment at all times. In Mediq, we look at our rate of absenteeism as a measurement of our working environment. We aim at having an absenteeism percentage at a maximum of 4.0% across the company on average throughout the year. In 2022, the average was 4.7% and hence in align with goal. In order to support employees in healthy recovery, a permanent employment in Mediq includes membership of private healthcare insurance supporting health initiatives and recovery. Further to this, Mediq continuously has an occupational therapist conducting training on a continuous basis combined with access to own fitness center and training on site. In line with our Code of Conduct, we have an integrity procedure in place. This can be done via a special telephone line or the internet ('Whistleblowing system). The employee retention and engagement are managed through engagement surveys and workplace evaluations (APV)

The income statement of the Company for 2022 shows a profit of DKK 39.643 thousand and at 31 December 2022, the balance sheet of the Company showed an equity of DKK 178.442 thousand. The Company's results and financial development were satisfactory.
