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Tagensvej 198E, 2 tv, 2400 København NV, CVR 43109634
Weaving of textiles
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Number of employees
Number of employees
Income Statement
Cost of Sales
Cost of production
Change in inventories of finished goods work in progress and goods for resale
Work performed by entity and capitalised
Other Operating Income
Property Cost
Administrative Expenses
Raw materials and consumables used
Other External Expenses
External Expenses
Gross Profit
Distribution costs
Wages And Salaries
Postemployment Benefit Expense
Social Security Contributions
Employee expenses transferred to assets
Other Employee Expense
Total Employee Benefits
Depreciation and Amortization
Writedowns of current assets other than current financial assets
Writedowns of current assets that exceed normal writedowns
Other Operating Expenses
Income from negative goodwill
Profit loss from ordinary operating activities before gains losses from fair value adjustments
Gains losses from current value adjustments of investment property
Gains losses from current value adjustments of other investment assets
Gains losses from current value adjustments of investment assets
Gains losses from current value adjustments of biological assets
Gains losses from current value adjustments of debt liabilities concerning investment property
Gains losses from current value adjustments of debt liabilities concerning other investment assets
Gains losses from current value adjustments of debt liabilities
Research expenditure
Development expenditure
Research and development expenditure
Operating Profit (EBIT)
Income from Investments in Group Enterprises
Income from Investments in Associates
Income from investments in participating interests
Income from investments in group enterprises and associates
Income from investments in joint ventures
Income from Other Long-term Investments and Receivables
Other Finance Income from Group Enterprises
Other finance income
Impairment of Financial Assets
Finance Expenses arising from Group Enterprises
Rest of other Finance Expenses
Other finance expenses
Profit Before Tax
Tax expense on ordinary activities
Profit loss from ordinary activities after tax
Extraordinary profit loss before tax
Tax expense on extraordinary events
Extraordinary profit loss after tax
Tax Expenses
Other Tax Expenses
Profit loss from discontinued operations
Profit loss from continuing operations
Profit for the year
Profit loss attributable to minority interest
Profit loss after attributable to minority interest
ÅRL supplement
Discounts given
IT expenses
Car expenses
Premises expenses
Losses recorded on debitors
Rental of operating equipment
Investments in fixed assets
Investments in intangible assets
Investments in financial assets
Concessions originating from development projects
Patents originating from development projects
Trademarks originating from development projects
Other similar rights originating from development projects
Completed development projects
Acquired concessions
Acquired patents
Acquired licences
Acquired trademarks
Acquired other similar rights
Acquired intangible assets
Development projects in progress
Prepayments for intangible assets
Development projects in progress and prepayments for intangible assets
Total Intangible Assets
Land and Buildings
Investment property
Other investment assets
Plant and Machinery
Fixtures Fittings Tools and Equipment
Biological assets
Leasehold Improvements
Rightofuse assets
Property plant and equipment in progress
Prepayments for property plant and equipment
Property plant and equipment in progress and prepayments for property plant and equipment
Total Property, Plant and Equipment
Long-term Investments in Group Enterprises
Long-term Investments in Associates
Longterm participating interests
Longterm investments in joint ventures
Longterm receivables from group enterprises
Longterm receivables from associates
Longterm receivables from participating interests
Other Long-term Investments
Other Long-term Receivables
Longterm receivables from owners and management
Noncurrent deferred tax assets
Deposits longterm investments and receivables
Cost exceeds income for the financial year longterm receivables
Contributed capital in arrears long term
Noncurrent contract assets
Total Long-term Investments and Receivables
Total Non-current Assets
Raw Materials and Consumables
Work in progress
Manufactured Goods and Goods for Resale
Prepayments for goods
Assets held for sale inventories
Total Inventories
Short-term Trade Receivables
Contract Work in Progress
Short-term Receivables from Group Enterprises
Short-term Receivables from Associates
Shortterm receivables from joint ventures
Shortterm receivables from participating interests
Shortterm receivables dividends from group enterprises
Shortterm receivables dividends from associates
Shortterm receivables dividends from joint ventures
Shortterm receivables dividends from participating interests
Current Deferred Tax Assets
Short-term Tax Receivables
Shortterm tax receivables from group enterprises
Vat and duties receivables
Other Short-term Receivables
Contributed capital in arrears
Shortterm Receivables from Owners and Management
Deferred Income Assets
Cost exceeds income for the financial year shortterm receivables
Timing differences shortterm receivables especially utilities
Current contract assets
Derivative financial instruments shortterm assets
Total Short-term Receivables
Shortterm investments in group enterprises
Shortterm investments in associates
Investments in joint ventures
Other Short-term Investments
Total Short-term Investments
Total Cash and Cash Equivalents
Total Current Assets
Assets meant for sale
Liabilities and Equity
Contributed Capital
Paid Contributed Capital
Share premium
Revaluation reserve
Reserve for net revaluation according to equity method
Reserve for loans and collaterals
Reserve for unpaid contributed capital
Reserve for entrepreneurial company
Reserve for development expenditure
Reserve for net revaluation of investment assets
Reserve for current value adjustments of currency gains
Reserve for current value of hedging
Other statutory reserves
Reserve according to articles of association
Reserve for biological assets
Rest of other reserves
Other reserves
Retained Earnings
Proposed Dividend Recognised in Equity
Proposed extraordinary dividend recognised in equity
Not paid contributed capital
Hedge fund
Reserve fund
Transferred to from reserves available
Liquidation account
Actuarial profit loss which is a part of the calculation of contingent pensions
Equity attributable to parent
Minority interests
Total Equity
Provisions for pensions and similar liabilities
Provisions for Deferred Tax
Other provisions
Provisions for investments in group enterprises
Provisions for investments in group associates
Provisions for investments in participating interests
Provisions for investments in joint ventures
Provisions for income exceed cost for the financial year
Timing differences provisions especially utilities
Total Provisions
Shortterm debt to credit institutions
Short-term Mortgage Debt
Short-term Debt to Banks
Other shortterm debt raised by issuance of bonds
Short-term Debt to Other Credit Institutions
Convertible profit yielding or dividend yielding shortterm debt instruments
Shortterm Prepayments Received From Customers
Short-term Trade Payables
Shortterm bills of exchange payable
Short-term Payables to Group Enterprises
Shortterm payables to associates
Shortterm payables to participating interest
Shortterm payables to joint ventures
Short-term Tax Payables
Shortterm Tax Payables to Group Enterprises
Vat and duties payables
Other Short-term Payables
Other payables including tax payables liabilities other than provisions shortterm
Holiday allowance liabilities shortterm
Shortterm deferred income
Shortterm negative goodwill
Shortterm lease commitments
Proposed dividend
Short-term Part of Long-term Liabilities other than Provisions
Shortterm equity loan
Short-term Payables to Shareholders and Management
Shortterm prepayments of work in progress
Shortterm contract work in progress liabilities
Shorterm derivative financial instruments liabilities
Deposits shortterm liabilities other than provisions
Income exceed cost for the financial year shortterm
Current contract liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Longterm debt to credit institutions
Long-term Mortgage Debt
Long-term Debt to Banks
Other longterm debt raised by issuance of bonds
Longterm debt to other credit institutions
Convertible profit yielding or dividend yielding longterm debt instruments
Longterm prepayments received from customers
Longterm trade payables
Longterm bills of exchange payable
Longterm payables to group enterprises
Longterm payables to associates
Longterm payables to participating interests
Longterm payables to joint ventures
Longterm tax payables
Longterm tax payables to group enterprises
Other Long-term Payables
Holiday allowance liabilities longterm
Longterm deferred income
Longterm negative goodwill
Longterm lease commitments
Longterm equity loan
Longterm payables to shareholders and management
Longterm prepayments of work in progress
Longterm contract work in progress liabilities
Longterm derivative financial instruments liabilities
Deposits longterm liabilities other than provisions
Income exceed cost for the financial year longterm
Noncurrent contract liabilities
Total Non-current Liabilities excl. Provisions
Debt to credit institutions
Mortgage debt
Debt to banks
Other debt raised by issuance of bonds
Debt to other credit institutions
Convertible profit yielding or dividend yielding debt instruments
Prepayments received from customers
Trade payables
Bills of exchange payable
Payables to group enterprises
Payables to associates
Payables to participating interests
Payables to joint ventures
Tax payables
Tax payables to group enterprises
Other payables
Other payables including tax payables liabilities other than provisions longterm
Holiday allowance
Deferred income
Negative goodwill
Lease commitments
Equity loan
Payables to shareholders and management
Prepayments of work in progress
Contract work in progress liabilities
Derivative financial instruments liabilities
Deposits liabilities other than provisions
Income exceed cost for the financial year
Contract liabilities
Total Liabilities excl. Provisions
Liabilities related to assets meant for sale
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