-2.162.000 DKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
-9.728.000 DKK

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Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Bund 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Bund 10%"

Direktion top 3

Niels Holch Povlsen 22Direktør

Bestyrelse top 3

Troels Holch Povlsen 36Bestyrelsesformand
Niels Holch Povlsen 22Bestyrelsesmedlem
Adam Christian Dantzer 7Bestyrelsesmedlem

Legale ejere top 3


Selskabet tegnes af direktionen sammen med bestyrelsesformanden, af bestyrelsesformanden sammen med to bestyrelsesmedlemmer eller af den samlede bestyrelse i forening.

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnCsr Capital A/S
BinavneCorporate Social Responsibility Capital A/S Vis mere
AdresseHavnen 1, 8700 Horsens
BrancheInvesteringsselskaber [643030]
Etableret27-03-2008 (16 år)
Første regnskabsperiode27-03-2008 til 31-12-2008
Antal ansatte-
RevisorPartner Revision Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab siden 27-03-2008
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital30.000.000 DKK
25.000.000 DKK (05-07-2011 - 27-12-2011)
20.000.000 DKK (20-08-2010 - 04-07-2011)
10.000.000 DKK (27-03-2008 - 19-08-2010)
Vedtægter seneste05-12-2022

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabets formål er investering i socialt og miljømæssigt bæredygtige virksomheder, herunder projektaktiviteter og udvikling af samarbejdsrelationer samt investering i fast ejendom.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


The Company's principal activities The Company's principal activities are investment in socially and environmentally sustainable companies outside Denmark, including project activities and development of collaborative relationships as well as investment in real estate property. Insecurity regarding recognition or measurement The company invests in socially and environmentally sustainable companies. The measurement of this can be more difficult than the measurement of other investments. It is management's opinion that the applied accounting policies ensure the correct recognition of investments. Development in activities and the financial situation The gross profit of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 regarding CSR Capital A/S shows a gross profit of t.DKK -2.162 compared with last year of t.DKK -4.584 and the net income for the year shows t.DKK -9.728 compared with last year of t.DKK 2.280. Managements expectation for the financial year 2022 was a net income between 1 and 3 mill. DKK and the result for the year is considered not satisfactory. The company's strategy is to make investments in already established companies in collaboration with local and/or foreign, including Danish entrepreneurs, in order to actively contribute to developing new companies and thereby create employment and increased economic growth in local areas and especially China. The company contributes with both share capital and loan investments and also actively participates in the management of the project companies, through board representatives and the providing of experts where it is necessary. The investment activities are primarily aimed at creating development and growth for the local populations, and at the same time there is focus on contributing to environmental sustainability, social responsibility and the fulfillment of criteria for good and responsible corporate governance. Investments of this type have an earnings potential that is more long-term and a risk profile that is higher than in traditional venture and private equity funds. Several of the investment projects have experienced difficulties in obtaining the liquidity required. It is the management's assessment that several of the projects are unsustainable in the long-term and should be closed or disposed of. It is the management's assessment that the written-down values correspond to the expected realization values. The company has suspended its investment activities, and is instead working focused on securing the most sustainable parts of the current investments. Expectations for the future In 2023 there are expected to be none investments in new companies and a net result in the rage between 0 and 1,5 mill. DKK. Particular risks Beyond ordinary occurring risk, no particular risks are considered to affect the company except ordinary occurring risks. Knowledge and know-how resources The company's business foundation includes investment in socially and environmentally sustainable companies. These business areas demand particularly high knowledge resources regarding business processes and local issues. In order to constantly be able to live up to this, it is crucial that the company has a low turnover of employees. Research and development activities The development activities are carried out in the subsidiaries and are of limited scope. The development comprises primarily of development of environmentally friendly solutions.

Development in activities and the financial situation The gross profit of the financial year 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 regarding CSR Capital A/S shows a gross profit of t.DKK -2.162 compared with last year of t.DKK -4.584 and the net income for the year shows t.DKK -9.728 compared with last year of t.DKK 2.280. Managements expectation for the financial year 2022 was a net income between 1 and 3 mill. DKK and the result for the year is considered not satisfactory. The company's strategy is to make investments in already established companies in collaboration with local and/or foreign, including Danish entrepreneurs, in order to actively contribute to developing new companies and thereby create employment and increased economic growth in local areas and especially China. The company contributes with both share capital and loan investments and also actively participates in the management of the project companies, through board representatives and the providing of experts where it is necessary. The investment activities are primarily aimed at creating development and growth for the local populations, and at the same time there is focus on contributing to environmental sustainability, social responsibility and the fulfillment of criteria for good and responsible corporate governance. Investments of this type have an earnings potential that is more long-term and a risk profile that is higher than in traditional venture and private equity funds. Several of the investment projects have experienced difficulties in obtaining the liquidity required. It is the management's assessment that several of the projects are unsustainable in the long-term and should be closed or disposed of. It is the management's assessment that the written-down values correspond to the expected realization values. The company has suspended its investment activities, and is instead working focused on securing the most sustainable parts of the current investments.
