551 MDKK
289 MDKK
Primært resultat (EBIT)
-25.262.000 DKK
Årets resultat
-23.421.000 DKK
158 MDKK

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Rang Årets resultat

Rang i branche
"Bund 10%"
Rang i Danmark
"Bund 10%"

Direktion top 3

Bestyrelse top 3

Elvir Kolak 1Bestyrelsesformand
Anne-Mette Enoksen 4Bestyrelsesmedlem
Jan Kreiberg Larsen 8Bestyrelsesmedlem

Legale ejere top 3


Selskabet tegnes af to bestyrelsesmedlemmer i forening eller af et medlem af direktionen i forening med et medlem af bestyrelsen

Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnBelfor Denmark A/S
BinavneGraffitipatruljen A/S, Maler & Entreprenørfirmaet Bühring & Johansen A/S, Malerfirmaet Bühring & Johansen A/S, Skadeservicegruppen A/S, Thylkjær & Partner A/S, Østergades Tømrer- og Snedkerforretning - Skadeservice Bornholm A/S Vis mere
AdresseKnapholm 6, 2730 Herlev
BrancheAnden rengøring af bygninger og rengøring af erhvervslokaler [812290]
Etableret18-07-1996 (27 år)
Første regnskabsperiode18-07-1996 til 30-09-1997
Antal ansatte560 (årsværk:522)
RevisorPricewaterhousecoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab siden 30-09-2014
Regnskabsperiode01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital4.445.391 DKK
2.825.724 DKK (30-09-2014 - 05-09-2021)
1.025.724 DKK (02-04-2014 - 29-09-2014)
875.724 DKK (05-11-2013 - 01-04-2014)
660.500 DKK (19-01-2012 - 04-11-2013)
657.500 DKK (29-08-2008 - 18-01-2012)
Vedtægter seneste01-04-2023

Medlem af brancherne


Selskabets formål er at drive handels- service- og investeringsvirksomhed


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


Capital structure and resources Shareholder information Sustainable Development Goals Social- and employee matters Data Ethics in accordance with section 99 d of the Danish Financial Statement Act Dividend policy The Company’s share capital is not divided into share classes. Management regularly assesses whether BELFOR has a capital structure that corresponds to the Company’s need for financing of working capital. Together with the Company’s banks, the owners, Board of Directors and Executive Board assess the combination of equity, loans from shareholders and external financing on a recurring basis. Management maintains an ongoing dialogue with the Group’s most important lenders and since the acquisition of the SSG Group by BELFOR has become part of the BELFOR’s global financing capacities that ensure sufficient liquidity at all times. Management assesses that the Group’s current capital structure and resources are adequate and sufficient to carry through the activities planned for financial year 2023. However, in the context of mergers of several Danish legal entities of the Group planned for 2023 it is planned to reassess the consolidated Equity and to strengthen the capital structure further. Management has a long-term target of three to five percent organic growth per year. But focus in 2023 will be to return to profitability on recent historic levels while finalising the integration of our Danish activities, starting to capitalise on investments made in 2021/2022 and developing our business further in cooperation with our customers, who have gained access to strengthened capabilities and product innovations through the acquisition by BELFOR. Employees constitute the most important asset of BELFOR, which makes it important to ensure the required technical and human skills. During the year, BELFOR has therefore held technical courses on humidity, moisture and damage control as well as hygiene/environmentally related courses. At management level, training in finances and sale/services has been provided. Moreover, BELFOR invests in training in the management systems of the insurance companies, In4mo and ScalePoint, on an ongoing basis. Some of our senior management have participated in BELFOR’s international High potential program, which is an exclusively developed leadership program for top managers. We have had employees attend the insurance academy, where they have received training in insurance understanding and in the craftsman's valuer program. All of the Company’s shares are owned by SSG Group A/S. The Company is part of the consolidated financial statements of BELFOR Europe GmbH as the smallest group and ultimately of the consolidated financial statements of BELFOR Holdings Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, USA. We operationalised the five identified SDGs in 2020/2021 with clear targets of 50% females, 100% reduction in work injuries/incidents, 20% reduction in transport, advanced waste recycling systems with 95% recycling and 50% electrical cars/vans in 2025. In addition, we started in 2021/22 to implement CO2 reporting per project to support our Customers CSR targets. Our short-term ambition is to reduce our CO2 emission with 2.700 – 3.000 tons per year and be the frontrunner in our industry with new ideas and targets. BELFOR does operate in an environment where there are certain risks with respect to employee health and safety, for instance in connection with removal of asbestos and mould. The policies in this area establish the rules for employees, for instance specific work instructions, required training levels and use of protective gear. Other policies take care of social aspects like respect for the individual, smoking and consumption of alcohol. The level of implementation is controlled via regular site audits conducted by BELFOR quality teams where methods and use of equipment are reviewed. A worker’s council has been established where employee representatives meet and discuss health and safety related subjects and decide on appropriate new initiatives. The Group has again in 2021/2022 invested to improve the working environment and will continue with current initiatives going forward. One of the main measures of a heathy and safe work environment is sick leave. In 2021/2022 the absence was 5%. BELFOR is working with a very limited exposure to data ethical elements, basically only processing data necessary for payment of wages and salaries and handling of customer and supplier relation. Consequently, BELFOR has not considered it necessary to have an explicit policy covering this area as we consider the precautions related to adherence to GDPR more than adequate. The payment of dividends only takes place with due consideration of the required consolidation of equity as a basis for the Group’s continuing expansion.

In 2021/2022 BELFOR Denmark has grown its base business further, but could not generate a positive result in a difficult environment. Main drivers were the exceptionally dry weather in Denmark in combination with significantly less cloudburst compared to prior years, a sharp increase in energy-, car-fleet, and material prices while sales price adjustments are only possible with delay. We were also still faced with high sickness levels due to COVID. Costs in context of the acquisition of the SSG Group by BELFOR, integration and reorganisation were further factors. The company has solid contracts with a number of large Danish insurance companies and in 2021/2022 has also invested heavily in modernisation of key IT systems, training of our employees and infrastructure for electrical cars to set the path for a turnaround in 2023 and long-term sustainability. The Company has changed the financial reporting period from 1 October - 30 September to 1 January - 31 December. The transition period covers 1 October 2021 - 31 December 2022.
