Primært resultat (EBIT)
Årets resultat
121 MDKK

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Elisabeth Anne Milner 2Bestyrelsesmedlem
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Stamoplysninger baseret på CVR

NavnKevin Murphy Europe A/S
AdresseRefshalevej 163A, 2 tv, 1432 København K
BrancheEngroshandel med parfumerivarer og kosmetik [464500]
Etableret06-06-2017 (6 år)
Første regnskabsperiode06-06-2017 til 30-06-2018
Antal ansatte49 (årsværk:48)
RevisorKreston Cm Statsautoriseret Revisions Interessentskab siden 06-06-2017
Regnskabsperiode01-07 til 30-06
Selskabskapital500.000 DKK
Vedtægter seneste01-05-2020

Medlem af brancherne


Virksomhedens formål er at markedsføre og sælge produkter til det professionelle hårpleje/-styling marked i Europa.


Valuta/enhed000' DKK000' DKK000' DKK
Årets resultat


The Company's principal activities The Company's principal activities consist of promotion and sale of products for the professional hair care/ hairstyling market in Europe. Insecurity regarding recognition or measurement There is no material insecurity regarding recognition or measurement. Exceptional circumstances No exceptional circumstances have affected recognition or measurement. Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023 shows a result of EUR 5.833.679 and the Balance Sheet at 30 June 2023 a balance sheet total of EUR 26.993.523 and equity of EUR 16.206.401. Post financial year events After the end of the financial year, no events have occurred which may change the financial position of the entity substantially. Expectations for the future The company's management expects a growth in net turnover of 5-7 % and a profit margin of 14-17 %. The company's management expects a profit from ordinary activities before tax of EUR 10,000,000 to 11,000,000 for FY24. Knowledge and know-how resources The company sells products developed in cooperation with its parent company and the rest of the group. Since the company's activities consist of promotion and sale of products, no special knowledge resource is connected to this activity. The company's most dominant resource is its employees. The ongoing development of employees' competencies through professional challenges and a good social environment is given high priority. Risks General risk The group's most significant operational risk is related to its ability to be strongly positioned in the key markets. Furthermore, it is crucial for the group to continuously stay ahead of developments of hair products. Currency risks The company is exposed to currency risks in respect of current operations. The company bills in EUR and USD, whereas all purchases are primarily in EUR and USD and operating costs are in DKK. Other than that, the company has no significant risks relating to its operations. Interest Rate Risks Moderate changes in the interest rate level will not have any significant direct impact on earnings. Interest rate positions are entered into to hedge interest rate risks. Credit risks The group does not have significant risks related to a single customer or partner. The company's policy for assuming credit risks involves ongoing credit assessments of all major customers and other partners. Environmental issues The company is not considered to cause pollution or emission that in any case affects the environment. The company has no production activity in Denmark. Research and development activities There is no research and development activities in or for the Company. Branches abroad There are no branches abroad. Net profit for the year compared with expected developments in the most recently published annual report The management's expectation for the year was that the company would maintain a high level of activity and achieve satisfactory earnings. The company has succeeded in maintaining a high level of activity and has achieved satisfactory and expected earnings. Corporate social responsibility Business model Kevin Murphy Europe A/S's principal activities consist of promotion and sale of products for the professional hair care/ hairstyling market in Europe. The products are sold through a network of external regional distributors (“Distributor Network”), who then sell to major retail customers (“Salons”). Kevin Murphy Europe A/S wants to use the existing Distributors to reinforce the existing channel with our distributors to consolidate existing salons and new ones, also to find potential new Distributors partners in EMEA. Kevin Murphy Europe A/S offers a full education program and support making a huge focus on the products, education and consolidate Hair Care and support with innovative products. Significant risks related to corporate social responsibility Kevin Murphy Europe A/S regularly evaluate the most significant risks to the company's existence, operations, and growth opportunities. The assessment involves comparing the probability and impact for various defined topics and aspects of corporate social responsibility. For the current period, the following factors have been identified and assessed as relevant: - Work environment and employee conditions, such refurbishment and new office equipment. Environment and climate - recycling options at the office - green power used as based on the country rules - choosing of latest technology at the office to lower the carbon and footprint As part of Kevin Murphy Europe A/S's environmental and social responsibility, the group focuses on the climate impact of the group's products and transportation. Kevin Murphy Europe A/S chooses to maximize the production by regions and warehouse storage to minimize global transport between regions. No significant risks related to human rights and anti-corruption have been identified. The primary reason for this is that Kevin Murphy Europe A/S conducts business in countries where the group has great confidence that the respective countries' administration of social taxes and corporate tax flows generated by Kevin Murphy Europe A/S activities are managed with the aim of minimizing obstacles that may hinder free market conditions and strengthening the integrity of society. Additionally, these countries have authorities that oversee business compliance with the law, and labor market stakeholders negotiate working conditions, including human rights aspects. Kevin Murphy Europe A/S is B2B-oriented, often dealing with well-known industry clients, which is why attempts at corruption are rare, and the company has not experienced any such incidents. Therefore, there is no assessment of risks to an extent that necessitates the establishment of policies in the areas of human rights and anti-corruption. Policies Kevin Murphy Europe A/S's policies related to corporate social responsibility include our environmental and climate policy and our occupational health and safety policy. Our environmental and climate policy is based on environmentally and energy responsible operations and is an integral part of the group's objectives for product quality conditions. Our occupational health and safety policy aims to achieve continuous improvements in employee safety, health, and overall satisfaction. Kevin Murphy Europe A/S is aware of the group's corporate social responsibility in the regions and countries where the group operates its activities. The group conducts its operations in accordance with national and local laws and regulations concerning employee social conditions, environmental and climate issues, as well as all corporate and tax matters. In addition to the group's compliance with national and local regulations, specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), due diligence processes, or explicit corporate social responsibility policies are not used. Activities In relation to occupational health and safety, we systematically work on continuous improvements in all group companies. Ongoing occupational health and safety surveys are conducted in accordance with the respective countries' legislation. Management's assessment is that the working environment is at a satisfactory level. Concerning corporate social responsibility in other countries, the senior management closely monitors developments. Results Management assesses that the work on environmental and occupational health and safety positively contributes to the company's reputation and efficiency. Kevin Murphy Europe A/S has improved its performance on key environmental and occupational health and safety indicators in recent years. Human rights The group's corporate social responsibility policies include human rights policies. It is the group's intention to ensure that suppliers' employees have the right to establish trade unions, that men and women are employed on equal terms, and that suppliers do not engage in child labor. Target figures and policies for the underrepresented gender Quote from the European Convention on Human Rights "Prohibition of Discrimination The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, color, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth, or other status." Source: (The European Convention on Human Rights, Article 14) Kevin Murphy Europe A/S's goal is to achieve a balanced gender composition in the top management of the group, while also taking into consideration that the most suitable person, is appointed to lead the group. Target figure for the executive board The executive board Kevin Murphy Europe A/S, currently consists of 3 members, with two being male and one being female. The composition of the executive board remains unchanged compared to last year. The company has set a goal to achieve an executive board composition of approximately 33/66% (female/men) by the end of 2024 and 33/66% (female/men) by the end of 2025. Statement on the Underrepresented Gender in the Group Group has chosen to set and report targets solely for the underrepresented gender in the management in the companies within the group that, by virtue of their accounting class, are subject to SEL § 139 and ÅRL § 99 b. The policy, efforts, and results mentioned above for increasing women's representation at management level include all companies within the group that are required to report in accordance with ÅRL § 99 b. Data ethics The group focuses on data ethics issues in the company's economic activities, where data is collected, processed, and used solely for ethical and financially responsible purposes. If the group increasingly implements and utilizes algorithms for data analysis in the future, a specific data ethics policy will be developed and implemented. In the immediate future, the group will only focus on enhancing compliance with data protection laws and the protection of critical business data of customers, suppliers, and other business partners.

Development in the activities and the financial situation of the Company The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023 shows a result of EUR 5.833.679 and the Balance Sheet at 30 June 2023 a balance sheet total of EUR 26.993.523 and equity of EUR 16.206.401. , The Company's Income Statement of the financial year 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023 shows a result of EUR 5.833.679 and the Balance Sheet at 30 June 2023 a balance sheet total of EUR 26.993.523 and equity of EUR 16.206.401.
